
The jiayu g2 Android Phone You Should Have

With so many android smart phones on the market, the question is what should I look for? There are a number of important areas, but it really comes down to the following: the operating system, the connectivity, the Screen, and the Applications that are available to the phone. With the operating system there are essentially many kinds for you to choose. The jiayu g2 is a phone which comes with android OS.

May be most of the people will say that they would like to have a phone with a big size. They say size does not matter, but with regards to Smartphone’s it does. With access now to playing games, internet, social networking sites, and television, the bigger the screen the better. However it’s not just the size, the resolution is also very important and should start from at least 480 x 800, and add that to a good touch screen interface and its game on.Applications are now becoming as essential as the Smartphone itself, and despite Apple leading the way, the chasing pack is fast on the heels of the market leader. However right now the Jiayu g3 is so far ahead of the pack, it’s not even a two horse.

On the other hand, one of the biggest android phone strengths of is their ability to multitask and to be customized. Android can easily run more than one application at the same time so you can listen to music while playing the game, using an application, or browsing the Internet. When it comes to customization, Android is king. You can make use of various widgets and customization apps that are available in the App Market. Some of these can drastically change the look and feel of your Android phone according to your own specifications. With an android 4.0 OS, there is no doubt that the JIAYU G4 is a good choice for you.

